Credit: anigoweb/Shutterstock, ZinetroN/Shutterstock
April 7–10, 2024
Gaylord National Harbor | #BaldrigeQuest
Join us at the Quest for Excellence 2024! The conference will feature some new and exciting opportunities to learn role model best practices from nationally recognized thought leaders, Baldrige Award recipients, and representatives from other high-performing organizations.
Enjoy sessions focusing on organizational resilience and future emerging challenges and take home solutions to help your organization achieve breakthrough performance and results in all sectors in areas such as leadership; strategy; customers; measurement, analysis, and knowledge management; workforce; and operations.
Monday Opening Keynote
Shola Richards
Founder & CEO, Go Together Global & Best-Selling Author
Monday, April 8 | 8:30 am | #BaldrigeQuest
Shola Richards is a dynamic keynote speaker, the best-selling author of “Making Work Work”, and “Go Together”, an in-demand workplace civility expert, and a prolific writer with a passionate worldwide following. His articles and wildly-popular Monday morning “Go Together Movement” email series have impacted people in over 160 countries, and his work has been featured on the Today Show, CBS This Morning, Forbes, Black Enterprise, Complete Wellbeing India, and Business Insider Australia. Read More
Wednesday Closing Keynote
Robert Martichenko
Business Leader, Author, Speaker, Educator, Strategic Advisor, and Chair of TrailPaths Incorporated
Wednesday, April 10 | 8:30 am | #BaldrigeQuest
TrailPaths is a People Development and Technology Company whose purpose is to create Meaningful Employment Environments™. To achieve this goal, TrailPaths has developed organizational assessments, interactive learning modules and digital platforms to humanize organizational decision making, modernize leadership behaviors and advance team member participation in the workplace. Read More
Opening Reception | Sunday, April 7
Join us on Sunday evening April 7 for the Opening Reception. Attendees have the opportunity to network with members of the Baldrige community such as Award recipients, Examiners, Judges, Overseers, Fellows, Foundation members, and Alliance program representatives!
Organizational Resilience and Long-Term Success Opening Session
Following the opening keynote, industry leaders will speak on the topic of organizational resilience and long-term success.
25 Concurrent Sessions
Monday and Tuesday will feature Baldrige Award recipients and other high-performing organizations speaking on relevant topics of interest, such as leadership and social responsibility, workforce issues, and customers and strategy.
Emerging Challenges Closing Session
Wednesday morning will feature a plenary session where speakers address future emerging challenges.
Baldrige Criteria Pre-Conference Workshop
Limited Seats Available | Reserve Early
Baldrige Criteria Pre-Conference Workshop is not a pre-requisite for attending the conference. Workshop attendees will receive one free copy of the 2023–2024 Baldrige Excellence Framework® (their choice of either the Business/Nonprofit, Education, or Health Care version) *Pre-Conference Workshop is an additional fee and does not include attendance at the conference.
Beginner and Intermediate Criteria Workshop
Presented by: Karen Kiel Rosser, Vice President, Chief Quality & Strategy Officer, Mary Greeley Medical Center
Participants will first learn the history and structure of the Baldrige Program, the benefits of self-assessment and feedback, the structure of the Criteria, how to focus improvement and communication efforts, how to use the Criteria and the Award recipient application summaries to enhance learning from the conference in this interactive session.
Then, participants will learn the benefits of conducting a self-assessment using the Organizational Profile, an approach for managing an initial organizational self-assessment, and the value of using the Criteria to more fully articulate an organization’s attributes, challenges, and needs including a focus on key results and priorities.