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    Cybercriminals Employ PhantomLoader to Distribute SSLoad Malware

    Jun 13, 2024NewsroomMalware / Cyber Attack The nascent malware known as SSLoad is being delivered by means of a previously undocumented loader called PhantomLoader,...

    Racing to Defend and Comply

    Jun 13, 2024NewsroomSaaS Security / Shadow IT Recent supply chain cyber-attacks are prompting cyber security regulations in the financial sector to tighten...

    Pakistan-linked Malware Campaign Evolves to Target Windows, Android, and macOS

    Jun 13, 2024NewsroomThreat Intelligence / Cyber Attack Threat actors with ties to Pakistan have been linked to a long-running malware campaign dubbed Operation Celestial...

    Ukraine Police Arrest Suspect Linked to LockBit and Conti Ransomware Groups

    Jun 13, 2024NewsroomCyber Crime / Ransomware The Cyber Police of Ukraine has announced the arrest of a local man who is suspected to have...

    Google Warns of Pixel Firmware Security Flaw Exploited as Zero-Day

    Jun 13, 2024NewsroomMobile Security / Vulnerability Google has warned that a security flaw impacting Pixel Firmware has been exploited in the wild as a...

    New Cross-Platform Malware ‘Noodle RAT’ Targets Windows and Linux Systems

    Jun 13, 2024NewsroomCyber Attack / Malware A previously undocumented cross-platform malware codenamed Noodle RAT has been put to use by Chinese-speaking threat actors either...

    Cryptojacking Campaign Targets Misconfigured Kubernetes Clusters

    Jun 12, 2024NewsroomKubernetes / Endpoint Security Cybersecurity researchers have warned of an ongoing cryptojacking campaign targeting misconfigured Kubernetes clusters to mine Dero cryptocurrency. Cloud security...

    Black Basta Ransomware May Have Exploited MS Windows Zero-Day Flaw

    Jun 12, 2024NewsroomRansomware / Endpoint Security Threat actors linked to the Black Basta ransomware may have exploited a recently disclosed privilege escalation flaw in...

    Lessons from the Ticketmaster-Snowflake Breach

    Last week, the notorious hacker gang, ShinyHunters, sent shockwaves across the globe by allegedly plundering 1.3 terabytes of data from 560 million Ticketmaster...

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